Ongoing Candali Empowerments
During this Ultimate Healing Course you were given several levels of Candali, which is what raises the kundalini and produces healing. This is something you can practice on your own in meditation. Just by setting the attention, the energy will rise and cleanse you. It can be used for regular self healing and spiritual development.
There are many more levels of Candali, which form a complete system of tantrik/spiritual development. These include full attunement to major deities, giving gifts of greater healing, protection, abundance, love, enlightenment, and includes some powerful etheric weapons and astras to destroy all obstacles in your path. It can all be easily practiced from home in simple meditation.
For all who like to continue to practice Candali and want to gain more, I am offering on-going apprenticeship. I will send empowerments for the higher levels weekly, in an orb that you can receive in your own time, with instructions emailed to you. I offer this for a monthly donation. This can be whatever you can afford, but as a guideline most people pay £50-£100 per month. If you want to take me up on this apprenticeship, I can give you my bank details to set up a monthly standing order, or it can be set up through Paypal.
Please contact me at [email protected] if you would like to subscribe to ongoing Candali empowerments.