Learning to Destroy Energies & Call in Protection & Invisibility

Magickal Membership Workshop

This workshop goes beyond psychic protection methods and will give you empowerments of astras (magickal missiles from the Vedas) that will totally annihilate any form of negative energy that gets in your way. This can be used to destroy negative entities, atmospheres, spells, implants and negative thought forms. You will also be given a cloaking empowerment that will stop dark spirits and magicians from being able to track you on the astral.

An introduction to my workshop

Hello. I'm here to talk about my upcoming magical membership workshop on destroying negative energies. We've recently done the protection and cleansing workshop and this one is to take it a bit further because what I'm finding is that some people need to get to the root of bigger problems that are more persistent, that can cause other problems to return. Examples are certain places that have been haunted for many many years - the atmosphere is so strong it forms an eggregore and normal cleansing methods are not enough. There can be demons, negative forms in the family or in general in the background which both usually need destroying. Various other negative forms and eggregores or even enemy sorcerers attack you.

So what I'm going to be giving you is empowerments of vedic astras which are magickal missiles used for destroying various negative forces. They can destroy things like these heavy atmospheres and eggregores, destroy demons, black magic shielding and even destroy enemy sorcerers. Some of the astras I'm going to be giving you: first of all the Suryastra which is like a blinding light that dispels all darkness; then the Asurastra which destroys demons and the Virajayastra which is the main enemy destroying astra.

And of course, according to what problems you face, any other negative forces you can think of, we'll have astras for those too so you can bring your own questions and we'll be developing along with you. So if you're ready to take the next step in order to build up your cleansing powers and fiercely face any negative force and destroy it, then please join us. I'll be looking forward to seeing you there.

This workshop is part of my Magickal Membership series - live online workshops in practical magick which I offer each season (approximately every 6 weeks) - which you can join here for $25pm.

Your Instructor

Peter Aziz
Peter Aziz

I am Peter Aziz, a healer, magician, and hereditary shaman. I have spent my whole life training in shamanism, healing, yoga, magick, and metaphysics, and learning from the faery kingdom.

I have dedicated myself to bringing the ancient wisdom to the public, to help all spiritual seekers to further themselves, and to healing the impossible. I run workshops on healing, magick and shamanism, where I initiate my students into these powerful traditions.

In my healing practice, I combine many of these techniques, specializing in the most difficult cases that have not been able to find relief anywhere else.

My mission is to make the greatest magickal secrets from all over the World available to all seekers, and to expand the possibilities of what can be healed. The shamanic traditions which I draw from include Kahuna, Pueblo Indian, Vedic, Dragon & Faery Magick, Vodou, Javanese, Atlantean, Egyptian Magick and more.

Read full bio

Student Feedback from Previous Magickal Membership Workshops

Finding Your Soul Purpose

"It was incredible, and thank you for giving me a hot seat. It all makes sense now - and I can understand why I'm not doing what's needed - taking the rest of the day to integrate it all, and looking forward to watching the replay, as I'm sure I'll learn even more." Katie, 52

"I learnt so much from attending Peter’s 'Finding Your Soul Purpose’ workshop. I got to be coached on the call, as I booked a hot seat in advance. The meditation that Peter took us through was incredibly helpful. However the hot seat coaching was the best part as I got a deeper understanding of my talents and gifts, plus I got insights into how to use a Rune that Peter recommend I use and how to use my gifts in a practical way. The very next morning I put my knew knowledge into use. I highly recommend these workshops." Gayatri Robertson

Student Feedback from Previous Live Webinars

"I have listened to the public and private Q&A calls with Peter Aziz for over a year and I am truly amazed the level of wisdom he manages to pack into these calls. There is very valuable information you will not find anywhere else. I always feel very calm and centered after these calls and full of hope and possibility." Lynn Marie, USA

"As soon as I start listening to Peter during the Q&A calls I feel fixities that have built up in my mind begin to dissolve: Space is brought in, Possibility, I feel more centred, plus inspired; his insights are amazing and he is so generous in sharing his knowledge of working with the subtle." Veronica R, 69, Retired, England

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the workshop start and finish?
This workshop will take place live on Zoom on Saturday, 27 July 2024 at 11.30 am UK time (BST) and will last 90 minutes to 2 hours. Zoom access details will be emailed after purchase. The recording and a PDF handout will be available within 48 hours of the call.
How long do I have access to the workshop?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this workshop recording and supplemental materials for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
How can I ask questions?
Questions may be submitted in advance to [email protected], asked during the live call or posted as a comment after the recording.

Ramp up your protective powers and be able to destroy negative energies by purchasing this workshop. Or join this live workshop for only $25 by enrolling in my monthly Magickal Membership here.

IMPORTANT! Please check the box on the Checkout page as shown below so that you receive notification of any Q&A calls or other live webinars or updates to your course:

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