Ultimate Healing Part 1 - Self Healing

Emotional healing, empowerment, dis-creating unwanted situations & manifesting your dreams.

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Are you desperate to get to the root cause of everything that's holding you back and perhaps causing health challenges and release them?<

Have the last few years taken their toll on you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and you need some help?

Are you prepared to meet and embrace your shadow?

Do you need to heal your DNA?

Do you realise that NOW is the time to recognise yourself as a sovereign being?

Are you ready to allow massive change in your life and the world around you?

If so, you have landed in the right place! This online course will take you where you need to go.


This is a very complete and in-depth healing course, including guided meditations, exercises and magickal healing transmissions previously available only as part of intensive live retreats with me. My wish is to make these powerful teachings available to a wider audience - particularly in these most 'interesting times' we are living in. We need as many of us as possible to learn how to move through our limitations and be effective in creating the future we want to experience.

This course has 8 modules, which guide you deeper into emotional healing, empowerment, dis-creating unwanted situations, and manifesting your dreams, with a number of recorded meditations in each module. It includes two levels of Candali attunement (a form of Kundalini Yoga which generates heat to power the process of change). Your journey through the modules will be supported with an online, recorded webinar series where some of the information will be covered in more detail and you will be able to watch Question & Answer sessions and individual coaching sessions. The course contains written teachings and exercises, audio guided meditations and attunements, a live complementary webinar series where you can ask any questions and a private online forum.

This is a stand alone course, as well as a prerequisite for the Ultimate Healing Part 2 Body Electronics course (online or in-person). It’s called the Ultimate Healing Course because it can give you complete mastery on all levels. Totally heal and regenerate the body, change the most impossible situations, and manifest your dreams.

Body Electronics is a powerful method of sustained point holding, developed by Dr John Whitman Ray, largely influenced by Kahuna (Hawaiian shamanism) teaching. It is used to access memories stored in the body at the genetic level, and by releasing emotion and stored trauma, leads to the healing and regeneration of the body as well as inner transformation. The methods are based on a thorough scientific understanding of how thoughts and emotions are stored in the body, and how they affect our health and development.

Facing Personal and Global Crisis

My Ultimate Healing Course is designed to address the problems we are facing both personally and globally – problems and challenges that have reached an unprecedented level. In the aftermath of the covid lockdowns many people have fallen into apathy, unable to gather the motivation to build their dreams. There is even a new word for this state in the Oxford dictionary: “goblin mode”. Then there are fears of all the new impending dangers: war, further diseases from bio-weapons, loss of freedom through the Great Reset, and worries about collapsing immune systems. The need for more powerful healing, and for tools that can make a real difference in the world, is greater than ever.

The main technique used in the course was created to heal physical health problems but it goes far beyond that. In dealing with the cause of physical problems, we found we have to deal with various emotional issues such as problems with love, money, creating the reality you want, and also how to discreate the things in life you don't want. Currently, this has become far more important than ever, because what we're dealing with here is how to show that you are God, how to be in your power. There's so much in the world these days, that's taking power away from you, making you feel out of control, trying to bring you into slavery, giving you things you don't want, bringing you down all the time. And so, by contrast, if we're going to step into our power and be able to change, this is going to require more power than ever. This need to wake up is becoming very present.

Our Role as Creator

My work centres around our relationship as creator. Awareness does only three things – it creates, experiences, then discreates. When we first come out of Source as pure awareness before we actually form in individuality, our relationship to our creation is one of creator to creation. Once we become conditioned into the animal mind, it's one of creature to creation – we become the victim of that which we've created. You've heard many times before that we create our reality – we are responsible for it. Responsibility is the ability to respond – it teaches you how you can change your reality when you choose to. It puts the power back in your hands. You can look at the things you don't want, and by recognising the emotions inside yourself that hold your creation together, you can heal it all. When you learn to welcome and release your emotions, the situation that these emotions hold in place will change in your life. And then your body changes and heals too.

Body Electronics and Candali

The main healing modality used in the Ultimate Healing Course is based on a technique called Body Electronics – something I studied with John Ray in the 1980’s. It involves holding points on the body for several hours which triggers genetic memories, emotions, past thoughts and beliefs to rise to the surface so you can deal with them. It’s an intensely transformative process taking you beyond physical healing because every situation in your life is also a reflection of these patterns you hold inside yourself.

Candali - Adding Some Rocket Fuel!

Body Electronics releases deep memories and stored emotions from the DNA, leading to near-miraculous physical healing and regeneration. When I discovered Candali, also known as Gtummo, which is a system of activating kundalini in safe stages. And shared it with John Ray, the healing power intensified significantly. I have developed this synergy of Body Electronics, Candali and other magickal healing transmissions to create my Ultimate Healing Courses. I give the first two levels of Candali in this course to super-charge your healing process, and give higher levels in Ultimate Healing Part 2.

Changing Ourselves, Our Families and the World Around Us

Our body is only one of our creations. Everything around us is being held together by our consciousness. The people around you are affected by your thoughts about them and how you respond to them. When you deal with these thought patterns, you can change your money, love life, health – your whole world. It also has a ripple effect on those around you. Through this effect which we call morphogenetic resonance, people who have the same genes will change when you change because they resonate. In this course, you go through healing crisis and change – so don’t be surprised afterwards if you find your whole family has changed as well. They've all risen in consciousness and released various emotions and become more enlightened.

And it’s not just family members who change – everybody around you who's close to you is also affected by you. Although we don't try to change people – we don't judge people or try to force anything – when you change yourself, you do change them all. So, your attitude towards those around you, your beliefs in them, to some degree will be holding them in place as they are now. When you recognise that you are creator and you see everybody else as God and this force of unconditional love and non-judgement is acting, everybody changes, everybody is more enlightened. In this work, you change yourself and you change your world. This is so important for this time when people are getting pulled down in fear and losing their power. When you are reminded that it is all your creation, you can change your health, your life, and go back to your dreams and create what you want. This is what the Ultimate Healing course can give you.

Ultimate Healing is the most powerful system for regenerating the body and particularly the immune system. It works on the emotional causes as well as the physical condition. The immune system is weakened by fear, shame and hopelessness. By releasing these emotional states and restoring enthusiasm, it gets right to the root of the problem, giving people the complete healing they need. As it also creates rapid spiritual development, it also restores your trust in your ability to shape your own reality and make change in the world. It puts you back in the driving seat in your life.

Common problems people come to this work for:

1) Incurable disease diagnosis

No disease is really incurable. There have been many examples of people overcoming diseases through their journey of personal growth. So why can’t everyone get these results? What makes a person incurable? Experience has shown that there is something they are holding as unforgivable. The complication is that once you believe you are unforgivable, you don’t want to see what the issue is, because you will have no way of forgiving it. So the real issue is, what makes one unforgivable? The answer is a broken alliance with some part of the self, be it the inner child or adolescent, the soul or spirit or the higher self. When you find and repair this broken alliance, the unforgivable then becomes forgivable and the incurable can be healed.

2) Metaphysics doesn’t work

You have all heard of the Law of Attraction. It sounds simple, but many people are finding it doesn’t work for them. The principle of creating your reality with your desire, imagination and expectation is simple enough, but what people come up against are all their emotional blocks from past failures that stop them from genuinely expecting positive change. This is especially so when people attempt to change the most painful areas of their lives first, as this is where they have the most stubborn emotional blocks. In Ultimate Healing we work through all the layers of emotion, raising you up to enthusiasm and greater knowledge of your god-self. As you clear these blocks, you get better and better at manifesting your desires.

3) Improvement is only temporary; problems come back

In Ultimate Healing we learn how traumas and emotions are sequentially suppressed and stored in the body at 7 different levels and how they can be released and healed. If you release only one emotional state or memory, the process isn’t complete, so you might manifest the same problem again. By learning to expand through all layers of a problem, you will move through various emotions and memories until you are able to see the whole creation and are no longer in it. At this point, you can dis-create the pattern and then it never comes back.

4) Seeing too many problems in the world that I can’t change

Have you heard of the hundredth monkey effect? This is an effect called morphogenetic resonance. I experienced this first hand when I returned from my Body Electronics training in Maui. When I got back, my mother said “Where have you been? The whole family has been ill”. It turned out that they all went through the same symptoms I went through in my healing crisis, and they all went through transformation. This is the only way to change the world; by waking up the people. When you work together with others, as we do in these courses, these changes are amplified.

Manifestation and Dis-creation

In this course, I teach the art and science of manifestation, and equally important, I also teach you how to dis-create what you don't want. Everything around you is created by your past – memories and thoughts are still holding situations in place because you haven't finished fully experiencing them – perhaps because they are too painful or uncomfortable. When you learn to welcome these feelings and release them, those unwanted situations in your life go, they change. The problem is, every time we try and create something new, it causes old creations to reassert themselves and this manifests as doubt which disable our ability to manifest. Before creating something new, we need to be able to discreate anything that is getting in the way.

This process of dis-creation is very simple but it takes a while to really get – that's why people need guidance. When you start to welcome your emotions rather than judge them, and you expand through your creation, recalling memories to a point where you see the whole thing from the outside – it's no longer you. You recognise this isn't me, it's my creation, and you let it go. With this, the whole situation in your life changes, the problems end and they don't come back. This is a process of permanent transformation in our health, our consciousness and in our life. It puts you back in a position of being creator, where you can then create the life you want and dis-create all the things you don't want, both personally and globally. At this particular time in history, this is needed more than ever.

In Part 1 of the Ultimate Healing Course, you will learn to heal yourself very deeply, remove all kinds of emotional blocks, manifest your desires, dis-create situations you don’t want, and generally master your life. This is essential ground work if you choose to continue to the point holding in Part 2.

We look at:

  • How emotions affect your health
  • Releasing emotional blocks
  • Taking back lost power
  • Levels of healing
  • Dis-creation
  • Releasing past choices
  • Nutrition & healing crisis
  • Manifestation & future causality
  • Mastering ego & shadow
  • Healing physical ailments
  • Overcoming weapons of control & veils of perception
  • Candali initiations


  • Anyone looking to accelerate their spiritual development
  • Those who feel that metaphysics doesn’t work for them
  • Those who are tired of temporary results with problems returning
  • Those wanting to make a positive change in their life and the world
  • Those looking to heal from long term or even incurable illness or other physical conditions
  • Those who have tried countless other approaches but still can’t shift their deepest issues
  • Those wanting to manifest their dreams
  • Those wanting to remove problems from their lives
  • Anyone feeling disempowered, shamed or unable to forgive
  • Those prepared to embrace their shadow
  • Those wanting to step into their power and sovereignty
  • Anyone looking to add powerful healing techniques to their healing practice
  • Those new to shamanism and healing and those with experience
  • Anyone who is planning to participate in the Ultimate Healing Part 2 - Body Electronics Online or an In-person Intensive
  • Those who have previously participated in the Body Electronics Intensive and would like to deepen their knowledge and understanding (discounted access)


  • Release emotional blocks and limiting beliefs
  • Learn the fundamentals of manifestation
  • Learn how to work with the 7 levels of healing
  • Receive attunements to protect against negativity and disease and to release blocked emotions faster
  • Learn how to handle crisis
  • Recognise the waking up potential in negative states
  • Reclaim your power
  • Understand and eliminate shame
  • Learn keys to forgive yourself and others
  • Learn the process of dis-creating unwanted thoughts, emotions and experiences
  • Understand and make better choices
  • Discover your True Will
  • Learn how to use future causality to bring about desired change
  • Dissolve the myths that keep you playing small
  • Understand and embrace your shadow
  • Learn how to deal with trauma, habits and addictions
  • Understand how nutrition supports healing
  • Online private group and message access to me
  • Qualify to participate in the Ultimate Healing Intensive Part 2 (online or in-person Body Electronics)


  • 8 online modules (‘Lifetime’ access to written teachings and exercises, audio meditations & attunements) which guide you deeper into emotional healing, empowerment, dis-creating unwanted situations, and manifesting your dreams.
  • 2 levels of Candali attunement (a form of Kundalini Yoga which generates heat to power the process of change), valued at £200 when purchased separately.
  • Recordings of past webinar series
  • Email access to me to answer your queries
  • Private online community to ask questions and share experiences
  • Downloadable comprehensive manual and audio files
  • Eligibility to continue to Ultimate Healing Part 2 with Upgraded Body Electronics (In-person or online) if you so wish.

Ultimate Healing Webinar

The issues most frequently brought to me and how they can be healed using my Ultimate Healing Method


MODULE 1 — Emotions and Health

In this module you will understand how emotions affect your health, and learn to release emotional blocks and start taking back lost power. You also receive the first Candali initiation.

  • How thoughts and emotions are stored as crystals in the DNA and how they can be released.
  • How initiations into candali (a type of kundalini energy which generates heat) helps this process.
  • Attunement to the violet flame of unconditional love.
  • The purpose and benefit of experiencing crisis
  • The four negative states that indicate four ways in which we can wake up
  • The seven levels of emotion as stored in the endocrine glands and how they can be released
  • Taking back stolen or lost power
  • Candali Attunement Level 1 - Baglamukhi Body Protector - keeps anything negative (including disease) from entering the body

MODULE 2 — Levels of Healing

In this module you will explore the different levels of healing, heal shame in a very deep and thorough way, and deal with jealousy, guilt and rage. You also receive the second Candali initiation.

  • Deeper dive into the dynamics of the seven levels of healing
  • Metaphysics of shame and how to remove it
  • Finding and forgiving the unforgivable in ourselves - without this we condemn ourselves to a life of mediocracy
  • 4 steps to making change
  • 7 steps of forgiveness
  • The ties that bind us - cutting aka cords
  • Self-pity and martyrdom - how to recognise and eradicate in ourselves and others
  • Finding and releasing our rage animal
  • Learning to set boundaries
  • Cranking up the candali energy to cleanse our body of negativity and disease and release blocked emotions faster
  • Understanding the 4 types of pain

MODULE 3 — Dis-creation, Beliefs & Choices

In this module you will master the process of dis-creating any situation you don't want. You will also learn to release past choices.

  • Working with the dis-creation process to dissolve any unwanted thoughts, emotions and experiences
  • Exploring the frontiers of the ‘unknown’
  • Examining your beliefs and learning how to make better choices at a profound level
  • Understanding the 3 dimensions of choice and journey to the Forbidden Zone to release past limiting choices
  • Working with pain, enthusiasm, Kundalini, and the pillars of Love and Will

MODULE 4 — Nutrition & The Healing Crisis

In this module you will learn all about nutrition and the healing crisis, to prepare you for physical healing and regeneration.

  • Discover the specific minerals and supplements essential to support transformational change in the body-mind.
  • Learn Nature’s secret that renders synthetic supplements ineffectual
  • The 3 types of enzymes
  • Understanding and assisting the healing crisis - emotional crisis, ego maturation and anchoring

MODULE 5 — Manifestation, Creation & Illusion and Future Causality

In this module you will master the art of manifesting your dreams more than ever before, while understanding future causality, and learning to work with your future as a potent tool of transformation and change.

  • Discover how long it takes to manifest something
  • Learn how building expectation is key to successful manifesting
  • Goals and co-creation with our Higher Self
  • Recognise and heal what stops the manifestation process
  • Using the Sirian Triangle meditation to help dis-create undesired situations
  • The role of vulnerability in the process of change
  • Important refinements when working with affirmations
  • Understand and use resonance rather than force to change your life
  • Understanding future causality
  • Using the Self-Reflection process to discover your true will
  • Weeding and Cultivating Futures meditation to bring about desired change

MODULE 6 — Myths, Ego, Shadow & Dual Creations

In this module you will expand your expertise at creating and dis-creating, deal with more complicated and stubborn problems, and learn to master ego and Shadow.

  • Understanding the 3 aspects of pure awareness - the key to everything!
  • Dis-creating limitations to manifestation
  • Journey to the Creator to dis-create the myths of original sin, eternal punishment, mortality, armageddon and entropy/decay
  • Understanding and maturing the ego
  • Embracing Shadow to access our untapped potential
  • Working with stubborn issues — discovering and dis-creating dual creations
  • The process of expansion — layers of unknown and humility to accept the new

MODULE 7 — Healing and Point Holding

In this module you will gain confidence in healing physical ailments, such as physical distortions and pains.

  • The problem of making things too real
  • A simple exercise to change your identity
  • Understanding how negative emotions when suppressed cause beliefs, then laws then demons
  • Working with habits and trauma
  • Understanding and healing the deepest root cause of addictions
  • Discovering the connection between ancestral spirits, young children and allergies
  • Exploring the function of different organs and their associated emotions
  • Understanding the art of change
  • The dynamics of love and pain
  • Introducing the point holding process
  • The art of receiving and possible reactions to the healing stages
  • The role of the point holders and how they also heal
  • Discover the ‘glue’ that holds the illusion together — and how to unstick it!
  • Understanding power and responsibility
  • Love and enthusiasm

MODULE 8 — Preparation for Point Holding

In this module you will overcome the weapons of control and the veils to perception. This is also preparation for the in-person point holding course.

  • Learn the 8 weapons of control which can bend our will — and our spine
  • The importance of decalcifying the spine - for manifestation as well as pleasurable purposes
  • Introducing cranial work which can release memories all at once rather than individually
  • The 7 Veils of Perception which filter our experience and limit our spiritual awareness and magick


  • Joining the Ultimate Healing Part 2 with Upgraded Body Electronics Online or In-person
  • Further upgrades and attunements
  • Recommended reading and resource

Your Instructor

Peter Aziz
Peter Aziz

I am Peter Aziz, a healer, magician, and hereditary shaman. I have spent my whole life training in shamanism, healing, yoga, magick, and metaphysics, and learning from the faery kingdom.

I have dedicated myself to bringing the ancient wisdom to the public, to help all spiritual seekers to further themselves, and to healing the impossible. I run workshops on healing, magick and shamanism, where I initiate my students into these powerful traditions.

In my healing practice, I combine many of these techniques, specializing in the most difficult cases that have not been able to find relief anywhere else.

My mission is to make the greatest magickal secrets from all over the World available to all seekers, and to expand the possibilities of what can be healed. The shamanic traditions which I draw from include Kahuna, Pueblo Indian, Vedic, Dragon & Faery Magick, Vodou, Javanese, Atlantean, Egyptian Magick and more.

Read full bio

Course Curriculum

  MODULE 3 — Dis-creation, Beliefs & Choices
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 4 — Nutrition & The Healing Crisis
Available in days
days after you enroll


Feedback from previous students on the Ultimate Healing Part 1 - Online:

“I was attracted to doing Peter’s courses because I witnessed the transformation brought about in a close friend who had been training with him. I have now done a number of the courses available, including Ultimate Healing and am experiencing that transformation for myself. I feel that the techniques are helping me get to the root causes of issues that have worn me down for decades. I am finally finding the tools to step into my power and create a future of my choosing.

“I have done in depth shamanic training before but these courses are taking me to a whole different level. The courses are very well laid out and I like the mix of live workshops, videos, text and guided meditations which all work together very well. Peter is also accessible when you need extra support or guidance. Peter is the real deal, it is inspiring to be connected with someone who has his level of expertise. Thank you Peter for your dedication to healing, your generosity in sharing your knowledge & truly empowering others.” Liz, Nurse & Therapist, UK

“I can recommend everyone to do this course, even if you ‘ve already done a lot of work with yourself. This course deepens your relation with yourself. I have experienced deep healing, trauma release and transformation. I’m in a relaxed zone with myself at this moment. Very cool. I was most surprised about the effectiveness and simplicity of Peter’s methods to solve some of my deepest triggers and fears. I’m also very proud of myself, that I went for it. All my intentions (and wishes) I wrote down before the start of this course came out! I’m in a much better place with myself in comparison with one year ago. Also my self-confidence and self-image have grown in a positive way. I really like the self-reflection steps, meditations etc… Peter has taught us. I can use all the new skills in my daily life, thank you! Very worth the money.” Esther, 49, The Netherlands

"I did Ultimate Healing Part 1 in 2021. This course is a step by step process and everything you need to start or continue your healing journey. You learn how to process emotions, diet that supports the healing, powerful attunements, understanding of meridian points and so much more. Ultimate Healing is deep and teaches you to deal with the root of the problems. I highly recommend this course for anyone whether you are at the beginning of this transformative journey or whether you have done healing on yourself using different techniques." Karolina, 40, Quantum Healer and Mentor.

“Through Ultimate Healing Part 1 I have learned to first recognize, find and dissolve my unconscious blockages. Until I came across UH 1, I tried a lot of things and never got to the root of my symptoms, but the system accompanies me through my healing process on all levels, always gives me support through the dynamics of healing and helps me more and more to come to the awareness that I really can create, experience and heal anything I want in my life.

“It is a healing guide and a guide that leads to development and self-realization. I wish that this beautiful work becomes the standard teaching material for humanity.

“The biggest thing that changed for me is that I was able to recognize my deep pattern of self-sacrifice which caused my relationships to fail, and was able to regain my will to live and my power. In short, I healed my lifetime depression.” Blazej, 38, Germany, shaman healer

“I have tried many other methods for healing on every level and felt very frustrated. There is no area or question that Peter does not have insight on. He has some of the most integrated healing and teaching skills I have encountered and has helped me feel more empowered and confident in every area of my life. He is completely nonjudgmental, humble and very compassionate.” LMD, 55, Analyst, USA

“I have tried so many different things to affect the changes I wanted in my life with no avail. The Ultimate Healing Part 1 changed that and gave me the tools I needed to release what was holding me back and create what I really wanted. Peter is an excellent teacher and I am so grateful that I was able to do this course online. Thanks to Carrie as well for all her support and hard work throughout.” Liz, 52, Wellbeing Manager in Higher Education, Wales

“The ultimate healing course part 1 and 2 is very very valuable for healing blocks (traumas) on the physical and emotional level. And Peter shares - besides the technique of the pointholding itself - so many other important tools and knowledge (mantras and meditations) for self healing and magic in this course. It is amazing!” Artist, 55, The Netherlands

It's so much more enjoyable & faster to learn sharing experiences in a community. Peter's Meditations are precious gifts. It's impossible to see my future life & development without them.”

“I feel that this is a ground-breaking revolution in the history of Body Electronics!”

“In this supported framework for us to do the work at a distance, Peter has laid out a complete map for awakening consciousness.”

“Wisdom and accumulation of integrated knowledge that exists nowhere else. Just outstanding level of wisdom and healing advice.”

“Thank you very much for this very helpful course. It really helps me to understand how everything fits together such as how the problems are hidden away and impact my life. Then the candali practices are easier for me to integrate.”

“It is exciting to see how Peter has evolved the teachings to meet the needs of the times we are living in! Just as I was wondering how on earth I would manage without Pointholding, (as dealing with some major health issues,) this course appeared!”

“It has been brilliant! My house is sold and I have found a new one to move to, I am about half way though the process, all going well. I released the emotions linked to the house and my ex partner and then things began to shift. Thank you - this course has helped me change my life, I feel I have so much still to do but the massive issue of being stuck in a house I hated full of negative energy and memories, and feeling attached to my abusive ex forever is being resolved and I am looking forward to the future for the first time in ages!”

“Great and very very interesting. I did the course in Devon before in 2018 but did not remember very much of the theory and mantras etc. So the online course added so much information and trust to do it on my own. Thank you for that.”

This is what one previous long-term Ultimate Healing Intensive student wrote after participating in the introductory promotional webinar for Part 1 online:

I feel that this is a ground-breaking revolution in the history of Body Electronics!This introduction shows us how we can access the most powerful healing system on the planet by bringing the power of Pointholding into our own hands. We can now do the real work of Pointholding, without needing to hold the points. This leads us deep into the mystical truth of Body Electronics. As it is not always possible to get to the course, the inner work becomes the more real as we let go of attachment to space, time and body. Paradoxically, the body then heals faster!

“In this supported framework for us to do the work at a distance, Peter has laid out a complete map for awakening consciousness.

“Peter transmits an extraordinary vibration of Kundalini fire of unconditional love, to every participant throughout the course, as he weaves together Shamanism, Science, Quantum Physics, Tibetan Heat Yoga, Meditation and more, as he reveals the mystical art of dissolution of all our pain, of all that no longer serves us, so that we can go back to being Sovereign Creators of the world we Want to live in!

“If we are stuck at home dealing with various restrictions to our freedom, to me it feels urgent to go on an online magickal adventure into our deepest darkness, the chaos of winter and liberate ourselves from all the oppression.”

MM, UK, Healer

Testimonials from participants of the Body Electronics Ultimate Healing Course:

"The Body Electronics course provided me with incredibly valuable knowledge, transformation, and awakening that I will take with me throughout my journey as a healer and human on this planet. I received so much more than I possibly could have anticipated before going into this training. My ability to manifest has increased exponentially. My mental, emotional, and physical health became much better. I feel more connected to myself, my power, and spirit than ever before. Working with Peter opened me up in a really big way. He has been the most profound teacher and catalyst for growth that I have crossed paths with so far in my life. I can’t put into words how grateful I am to have joined this training and for all of the teachings and guidance Peter has provided me with."

Larkin, 22, USA

"Both Peter and the Body Electronics course were recommended to me by a very close friend. I was very keen to experience working and healing with a Shaman. My intention was to improve the quality of my life, clear blockages and gain a sense of fulfillment. I had no idea what to expect or the intense level of impact this course was going to have on my life. Since working with Peter in general, and attending the body electronics, my life has shifted dramatically in a direction I never thought existed. My awareness and knowledge of the world of magick and healing has increased, I have tools I can use multiple times a day to help me continue to clear, heal and evolve.

"My level of consciousness has spiked, my clairvoyance abilities have opened, my life path has unfolded. It's safe to say that life will never be the same again and I don't want it to. I'm happier, healthier, calmer, fulfilled, challenged, aligned and looking forward to the future. Those who attend this course can expect radical shifts in their mindsets, health and perceptions if they embrace the process during and after the course and allow the magick to work. Peter is the most genuine, supportive, compassionate and authentic teacher I have ever experienced. I highly value and am grateful for his contributions to the world and what he strives for."

Carrie Brightwell, 40, Holistic Healer, UK

"I have participated in Peter Aziz's Body Electronics: ultimate healing course for two years in a row and I am planning to keep coming back to it. The depth of healing and extent of transformation that takes place in this course combined with the wealth of information presented, was life changing for me. I was able to release blockages, negative patterns and emotions that were holding me back my whole life. Working with and learning from Peter is a joyful, expansive transformative magickal journey. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking for real healing and growth in both their spiritual but also scientific understanding of reality."

Eirene Shamma, 38, Architect, Thailand

"I have done a few courses with Peter, workshop and home study as well. I enjoyed Body Electronics workshop it was great experience, and healed my life in deep level. I`ve started believing myself and I was able change my diet for healthier one. Inspired me to study Iridology. I recently did Psychic protection course, and Abundance course, and my business is picking up more. Thank you Peter"

Magdolna, 60, Detox Specialist, UK

"After trying many healing modalities and workshops, I have to honestly say that the point holding course I did with Peter has been the most transformational 3 weeks I could have ever imagined. It was at one moment a few months after the course that I suddenly noticed how much my life had improved in such a short space of time since completing the course.I would highly recommend this to anyone and do regularly."

Chris, 34, Retired, Thailand

"I first did the Body Electronics course a few years ago, and not only did I learn what was literally the most powerful hands-on energy healing technique I've ever heard of (by far!), the way I understood how energy, magic, and reality in general all worked was transformed, and my approach at personal development evolved immensely. It was such an incredible experience that I came back to do the same course again several years later. Peter is the genuine article. I have met a lot of Shamans and gurus over the years, but no one like him. Trust me, you'll come out of this workshop with a lot more than a simple healing method. you'll leave with a whole new understanding and perspective of reality and how true healing really works, you'll understand it at its core!

"P.S. If there are any other courses being offered at the same time (which there usually is) I HIGHLY recommend participating. All of Peter's courses are more than worth it!"

Tyler Strasser, 33, Massage Therapist, USA

“Body Electronics is without doubt the deepest healing , changing things permanently and uncovering the shadow you could never know existed. The way Peter holds these intensives is incredible, the dissertations are like rewriting your life guidebook , the attunements and teachings are a solid foundation for healing yourself and others in the future and the wealth of insight and wisdom Peter freely gives is invaluable. The healing received from the Body Electronics has proven itself to be lasting and life changing ….I can only really say it has changed my world. I’m grateful to Peter for holding these courses with the highest level of integrity and shamanic ability in such a unique and joyful way.

“There is no way to know what will come up in the sessions whether it is clearing apathy ; which I’ve never seen addressed in other healing but has been a huge cleanup for me, or releasing shame, bringing back power I've given away or going into past lives and redressing the issue in this lifetime. The clearing of conditioning has been so ultimately freeing…..and met with inspired enthusiasm and joy however uncomfortable it may feel.

“I have attended BE now for 10 years and also taken many other courses with Peter Aziz and have found all his work to have profound lasting effects. I can completely recommend Body Electronics and his multitude of other work …. A true master and the real deal.”

S.R. Healer, Thailand

"This course is life changing. We all need healing and this is an incredibly effective route. I have seen lives changed round for the better from it including my own. I couldn't be more grateful for the teaching received."

Barbara, 80, retired teacher, UK

“At a time when so many workshops on offer prove to be insubstantial ‘fluff’, for me, the Ultimate Healing Course actually delivered even more than it promised, both in terms of healing therapy and new understanding.

Pretty well all of us are carrying some sort of negative emotional issue – often unknowingly and sometimes larger than we had thought – originating from the ordinary rough and tumble of life, inherited genetically, or from past life events. For those on a spiritual path, there comes a point where a considerable amount of purification and ‘Knowing Thyself’ is crucial in order to proceed to the higher or deeper levels of our magical or therapeutic practice effectively and safely. The Ultimate Healing Course system provided me with this, helping to both identify and transmute the roots of negative emotional patterns which were potentially harmful, as well as providing new perceptions into the workings of human consciousness and the inner worlds.” Susan from Bournemouth, UK

“The summer Ultimate Healing course was the first time I met Peter. I had been wanting to continue my shamanic studies for some time and had been hearing rave reviews about Peter and his work. As we all sat round listening to Peter’s introduction, I found myself crying with gratitude to have met such an amazing, powerful and compassionate healer. I also felt huge relief that my close friend who had just been given a terminal diagnosis would be joining us the next day.

The course surpassed my wildest expectations and prompted me to continue my studies with Peter for the next 3 years. My friend also found the work hugely beneficial and credits Peter and his work as having a major influence on her complete healing.” S.P. Bristol, UK

Summary of What You Get when You Buy This Course

  • 8 online modules (‘Lifetime’ access to written teachings and exercises, audio meditations & attunements) which guide you deeper into emotional healing, empowerment, dis-creating unwanted situations, and manifesting your dreams.
  • 2 levels of Candali attunement (a form of Kundalini Yoga which generates heat to power the process of change), valued at £200 when purchased separately.
  • Recordings of past webinar series
  • Email access to me to answer your queries
  • Private online community to ask questions and share experiences
  • Downloadable comprehensive manual and audio files
  • Eligibility to continue to Ultimate Healing Part 2 with Upgraded Body Electronics (In-person or online) if you so wish.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The online course starts now and never ends! If you wish to participate in Ultimate Healing Part 2 with Upgraded Body Electronics Online which will start in July 2024, you will need to have completed this course before then. If you wish to participate in the In-person Intensive In The Netherlands in June/July 2024, you will need to have completed Part 1 beforehand.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Do I need to have any previous experience with healing or shamanism to benefit from this course?
This course is suitable for those new to healing and/or shamanism as well as those with experience.
What if I have questions about the course content?
You can post comments and queries in the relevant modules and I will answer them. If you have a private question, you can use the Contact Form and I will reply to your email address. You can ask questions as well as in our Ultimate Healing private online MeWe group.
Is this course useful if I have already participated in the in-person Body Electronics Ultimate Healing Intensive?
Yes! Now seems like a good time to remind yourself how to journey to Creator to command the dis-creation of all you don't want in your life and to remember your sovereignty. Or how about reminding yourself of the potential upside of moving through crisis and how to move through and release difficult emotions according to the 7 levels of healing? The course is regularly updated with new teachings and empowerments so you will most-likely find something new. The written teachings, exercises and guided audio meditations and empowerments allow you to go deeper into your healing process whenever you wish and/or will support you if you are a healing practitioner wishing to use these techniques. You will also be able to participate in the live webinar series to go deeper and have your questions answered and will also be part of the private online community group. If you have not already received an email with a discount code for previous participants, please contact me at [email protected]
When is the next scheduled Ultimate Healing Part 2 with Upgraded Body Electronics Online course?
The next Ultimate Healing Part 2 with Upgraded Body Electronics Online course will start on 20 July 2024 and run until October.
When is the next Ultimate Healing Part 2 – In-person Body Electronics Intensive?
The next In-person Intensive, will be for 3 weeks starting 18 June 2024 in The Netherlands - see https://www.azizshamanism.com/courses/trainings-and-workshops/ultimate-healing/#upcoming

Enrol now to finally heal at the deepest level and see the shifts in your life that you've always dreamed about!

Previous Ultimate Healing Intensive (in person) participants, please use the discount code previously emailed to you or contact me at [email protected] with the year and place of your Intensive if you haven't received it.

Get started now!