Here's a chance to buy the first two courses on my Magick: The Faerie and Dragon Path series for a fraction of the normal cost.
This series of courses constitutes a complete training and series of initiations through the different levels of magick, right up to mastery of High Magick. It is designed for anyone interested in magick who would like to access their full divine power.
These initiations begin with Dragon Magick. Here are the easiest lessons to understand, as we start to deal with power, and begin to understand our co-creators. Dragons live in the liminal, and have great power. You will deal with all your power loss here, and gain confidence in your ability to overcome all obstacles. You will also learn a self-reflection process to find your true will, and start to embrace future causality. You also access beauty as a source of power.
Second in the series is Faerie Magick. Apart from learning the magick of the Other, you learn to work with resonance. Many people miss the power of Faerie magick because it is subtle and feminine. It doesn’t force things, but works with resonance to easily change your reality. This is a very important lesson to learn, as it shifts your focus away from struggle, and allows you to realise how easy it is to magickally craft your life.
Hereditary Shaman Peter Aziz
Co-create your Magickal Life with these powerful beings. I recommend you start with Dragon Magick as this is where you will find your power. Purchasing these courses enables you to join my Magick Student Community with access to regular online calls and online support group.
Black Friday Special with Dragon and Faerie Magick
Take the Magickal Path and transform your life
Frequently Asked Questions
Aren't Dragons and Faeries just the stuff of fairytales?
Read my article and watch my video where I explain how these 'so-called' mythical beings hold the key to living the life you desire.
Are these courses suitable for beginners?
You need to have some experience in Underworld Journeying to benefit most from these courses which is why I have also included my short Underworld Journeying course.